Tranquebar Goblet - Cancellaria
Cantharus tranquebaricus 1" - 1 ½"
Tranquebar Goblet shells are in the family of neptunes, whelks and allies. Family Buccinidae, the same family as true whelks, but it is not classified under the Neptunea genus. It’s a smaller, tropical species, typically measuring 1-1.5 inches, with a sculpted, ridged shell that spirals and often displays white, cream, or tan hues with orange or peach accents.
These beautiful sea shells are usually white, tan, or yellowish. You can see fine ridged groves reaching all the way to the tip.
They are found in warmer waters, such as the Indian Ocean and South Asia, contrasting with the cold-water habitats of Neptunea species.
Previously known on our site as Cancellaria sea shells and thought to be nutmegs. They are not nutmegs.