Whole Tridacna Gigas Clam Pair
Tridacna gigas whole 22" x 14" x 11"
We are no longer able to get these giant sea shells.
The Giant Tridacna Gigas Clam is the king of clams. They are the largest bivalves in the world which can reach up to 4 feet across. They are successfully farmed making them an excellent renewable resource but are currently unable to be harvested.
They are considered a delicacy in the South Pacific. These extra large mollusks rest on the bottom of the ocean with the hinge down and the lip upward so that sunlight can reach the huge mantle. They are found offshore near reefs in the S.W. Pacific in water 7 to 66 feet deep.
They're unjustly known as a man eating clam. No account of a human death by a giant clam has ever been recorded. Their muscles move too slowly to catch human prey. They will retract into their shell rather than attempt a taste of human flesh.